Thursday 21 August 2008

Conditions That Affect The Elderly Do Not Get Such High Priority In UK Healthcare, Says Help The Aged

�Reacting to the BMJ report which shows the NHS and private healthcare not providing basic care to older people, Kate Jopling, Head of Public Affairs for Help the Aged, says:

"These cheerless results read that when it comes to health care, all excessively often older people and the conditions that impress them come far downward the pecking order. Yet again agism rears its ugly head.

"This report shows that in approximately 7,000 cases, older people have been denied the care they desperately need, piece routinely, conditions that ar common with older hoi polloi are less likely to be cared for. This is highly short-sighted in an increasingly ageing society.

"This tolerant of ageist treatment is precisely why legislation against age favoritism is needful. The Government has announced this will form share of the forthcoming Equality Bill only no timeframe or process has been agreed - until that happens, senior people volition continue to be short changed by the health service. The Government must commit now to an urgent timetable to insure this injustice does not continue."

1. The Help the Aged 'Just Equal Treatment drive called for legislation against age favouritism in the provision of goods, facilities and services including health and social care services. For more information call in

2. Help the Aged is the charity scrap to justify disadvantaged elderly people in the UK and overseas from poorness, isolation, neglect and agism. It campaigns to prove public awareness of the issues poignant older people and to bring around policy change. The Charity delivers a range of services: selective information and advice, home support and community of interests living, including international developing work. These are supported by its paid-for services and fundraising activities - which aim to addition funding in the future to react to the growing unmet needs of disadvantaged old people. Help the Aged also monetary resource vital enquiry into the health issues and experiences of elder people to improve the quality of later life.

3. Help the Aged urgently inevitably donations and support to help it in the increasingly intriguing fight to free disadvantaged older people from poverty, isolation and neglect. Visit or call 0207 239 1982.

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